This means that you may have to show your benefits identification card or BIC (not your health plan card) to access the vaccine. For all Medi-Cal beneficiaries, the state (and not your health plan) will pay for the vaccine. If you have a Medi-Cal health plan, your plan must help you find a place to get a vaccine, pay for the vaccine administration with no cost to you, and provide transportation to and from both vaccine doses if you require it. This includes people with full-scope Medi-Cal, and people enrolled in the COVID-19 Uninsured Group Program. Medi-Cal also covers the vaccine, including booster shots, for free. You have the right to get your vaccine without discrimination based on your race or national origin. (Check out this flyer in English and Spanish).

Both the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the federal Office of Inspector General prohibit charging patients for vaccinations, and requires vaccinating people without insurance. Plans must cover vaccine administration from both in-network and out-of-network providers. Plans cannot charge members any copayments or cost-sharing. Federal law requires all health plans to cover the administration of approved coronavirus vaccines. You should get the vaccine, including booster shots, for free. Vaccine information from covid19.ca.gov/vaccines/.

Please read our Q&A below for details about your rights. The #Health4All Campaign continues to champion this cause.The Health Consumer Alliance can help you access health care during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Any effort towards universal coverage, whether in California or nationally, will not be successful until everyone, regardless of status, has access to care. However, older undocumented adults-our parents and siblings, friends and neighbors, taxpayers and workers in our economy-remain locked out of comprehensive healthcare, making them the largest population in California with no health insurance. In 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a state budget plan that funded a further expansion of Medi-Cal to include low-income undocumented young adults ages 19-25, which will be effective on January 1, 2020. Since then, “Health4All Kids” has resulted in the successful enrollment of over 250,000 undocumented children in life-saving healthcare. In 2016 California invested in providing full-scope Medi-Cal to all low-income children, regardless of their immigration status. The coalition’s years of advocacy have resulted in a number of wins. The Health4All Coalition was formed by California Immigrant Policy Center and Health Access California to advocate for removing these exclusions based on immigration status. Despite this progress, the ACA explicitly and unjustly excludes undocumented immigrants from health coverage through federally funded programs, including Medi-Cal. Since 2014, California has reduced its number of uninsured residents from 7 million to 3 million people thanks to implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and additional state reforms.